Get it right on Bin night

Recycling campaign

Sustainability Victoria is an organisation that promotes environmental sustainability in water, energy and materials. It briefed Starship to find a way to encourage all Victorians to recycle better within the home, with an emphasis on keeping plastic bags out of the recycling bin, and recycling from every room in the house – not just in the kitchen.

Behavior-change strategy

I spearheaded the development of an educational behavior-change strategy, with the backing of all 30 councils, to promote better recycling habits among the public. We employed simple positive messaging and created a memorable positioning line, “Get it right on bin night,” while using visually appealing graphics that complemented the councils’ branding. The program was launched with a comprehensive media campaign that included TV, website, social media, and radio, and was accompanied by a toolkit for councils featuring posters, direct mail, and press ads.

The program was a substantial success, easily beating the 4% less landfill target. Phase B is now running, with regional Councils also joining the campaign.